The Blog

The musings of a fan of myths, legends, and making up stories.

The Difference Between Old and Middle English

There’s a common misconception out there about what Old English actually is. Whenever I ask someone what they think about Shakespeare (because I’m a nerd), they always go off on a rant about how Old English is totally incomprehensible and why couldn’t I have asked about something else? Well, firstly, Shakespeare was actually Modern English. […]

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two persons in forest with thick fog

The Seven Visual Mediums Which Haunted Me Long After I Watched Them

When it comes to the humble horror story, there’s something inherently human about the primal need of reassurance that our lives aren’t as bad as someone else’s. Why else would we watch the sort of media where the heroes have absolute hell thrown at them? Why else would we repeatedly put ourselves through jumps-cares and

The Seven Visual Mediums Which Haunted Me Long After I Watched Them Read More »

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